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Bruce Postcard
Joan Postcard
David Postcard
Beatles Postcard
Fleetwood Postcard

Project | 1

Postcards | Classic Rock Icons

This project was created for a major work during my time at university. These were aimed at young millennials between the ages of 16-25 who have found a love in classic rock music. I created a set of eight postcards which all included a classic rock icon which had been traced from an iconic photo or album cover. These illustrations were then placed into photographs of everyday scenarios. The concept behind this was to convey how although these icons have passed their prime or have passed away, they are still being kept alive by a new generation of people who love what they have created.

Wilderbeats Poster Mock up
Wilderbeats program Mock up copy
Wilderbeast spread 1 Mockup
Wilderbeast Night One Mockup
Wilderbeast Spread Mockup

Project | 2

Music Showcase | Wilderbeats

This project was designed for the students studying music at Western Sydney University for a music showcase they were holding. This design was a group effort as we all brainstormed together to come up with potential names and design outcomes. As a group we had come up with the name Wilderbeats to play on the theme of music and also wild nature vibe the students were creating. From there, we also decided to follow a caveman feel throughout our designs. For my particular design I followed the caveman feel but also created some colour and flare through the use of coloured contours that were used to create a poster design which were then used throughout a program design that would be use on the nights of the showcase.

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Project | 3

Poster | Design, what is it good for?

This poster design was created for the purpose of a university assessment. We were asked to create a poster design that answered the question "What is design good for?". For my design I decided to focus on the idea that design can revamp or regenerate things that might have once seemed old. As a designer, I love things that are old or are considered vintage. This why I also love it when these things become popular again or are redesigned in a way that makes it feel brand new. This is why I decided to focus on this idea for my design. This design was achieved through the use of a photograph of a dead tree branch to symbolise something old or outdated. Through the use of illustrations of flowers and leaves with patterns, I was able to convey how design has the ability to regenerate the old. 

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Project | 4

Poster | Refuge: Flooded

This design was created for a university assessment that required us to create a poster for a exhibition named Refuge. This exhibition was for Western Sydney University and focused on how Western Sydney had become both a metaphorical and physical refuge for refugees in NSW. The idea behind this exhibition was to change the minds of people throughout Sydney who saw Western Sydney as a racist community. For this design I had written a rationale to explain my design:

I see it and read it on social media everyday, “We are being flooded by refugees”, it has become a well-known saying for the stereotypical racist which most of Sydney has concluded come mostly from the West. Embarrassingly enough for the rest of Sydney, refugees have come to call Western Sydney home as we socially and culturally accept them into our way of life and even learn the ways of their culture. “Flooded” is a statement about Western Sydney becoming a metaphoric umbrella for refugees who have sought after shelter, safety and most of all acceptance. It debates the statement “We are being flooded by refugees”, and rather turns it around to become a more positive statement, which challenges the current ideologies given to the people of Western Sydney.

For the purpose of the exhibition, we as a class all submitted a poster design and voted for which we would like to see at the exhibition. As a result my design was chosen along with 14 of my fellow students to be exhibited.

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Project | 5

Poster | Beastman Event

This poster design was created for the Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School for an event they were hosting which starred Beastman, a very well-known muriel designer. 

The main design image was chosen from a series of photograph's of Beastman's work. I found that this image stood out the most as it was extremely bold and outgoing. I decided to keep this design quite simple as Beastman's work is quite bold and recognisable and did not want the final outcome to be cluttered. 

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Project | 6

Poster | The Fossicks Fundraising Event

This poster design was created for the local hard core rock band The Fossicks to help promote their fundraising show. My design services were provided on a voluntary basis for the purposes of this event.

The overall design was based around the event as it was fundraising to allow the band to travel to Melbourne for an important show. Therefore, I decided to focus on travelling and the ideas of roads and cars as the main theme for this design.

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Project | 7

Magazine Layout | Contour Zine

This magazine layout was created for a zine that was produced over a semester at university. The zine was a combined effort of 30 students where everyone had their own input for ideas and designs that they would like to see in the overall outcome. Our class had chosen that our zine would be about arts, people, travel and culture. For the purpose of this zine I was asked to write an article about foreign holidays that we do not celebrate in Australia, and also design a layout for the article. 

My design layout was inspired from Guy Fawkes Night which was one of the holidays I touch on in the article. I experimented with long exposure and sparklers to make an eye catching photograph that was incorporated in the final design. 

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Project | 8

Magazine Cover | Contour Zine

This magazine cover was created for a zine that was produced over a semester at university. The cover created focused on one of the zine's primary content which is people. 

This design was inspired by my friend, who is pictured on the cover. She is an avid horticulturist, and at the time had been studying and excelling in her degree. Her love for plants and flowers inspired to come up with this design as I wanted to convey how her passion was a very large part of who she was and the person she was trying to become. 

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Project | 9

Poster | Average VS Obese Infographic

This poster design was created for an assignment during a semester at university. The purpose of the design was to help inform the public about a current issue within society and present it in a a way that was both enticing so it would catch people's eye, but also it had to be quickly informative so people were more likely to keep reading it. 

For this design I decided to use bright and bold colours in combination with simple large graphics to attract attention, make it easily readable and also more enticing to engage with. 

Project | 10

Video| ALICE.

This video was created in collaboration with Macey Radburn and Thillini Wellappuli at Western Sydney University. For this project we were asked to firstly find a piece of music that appealed to us and create a video with a coherent storyline that worked with the music. For this project we decided to look at the work of music creator Pogo as they created extremely interesting work by mashing up clips from various movies (particularly Disney movies) and creating a whole new song out of them. We were all drawn to their song Alice as it included some strange and abnormal sounds that appealed to us. As this was a song that had been mashed together from the movie Alice in Wonderland, we decided to stick with the same theme but to instead have our own dark and bizarre twist on it. 

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